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Sanguisorba officinalis : ROSACEAE, (Great Burnet). Pinnate leaves in a rosette send forth thin stalks topped by elongated ½-inch balls of dark pink to red flowers. The young leaves are said to be edible. Height 5-6 feet. Eurasia. Zones 3-8.

Saponaria officinalis : CARYOPHYLLACEAE, (Soapwort) has clusters of fragrant flowers, pink fading to white. Hardy and reliable summer bloomer. Zones 5-9. (Image / JPEG / 446x447 pixels / 48.6KB)

Sanguisorba tenuifolia var. purpurea, (Purple Burnet). Pinnate leaves in a rosette send forth thin stalks topped by cylindrical 2-inch purple flowers. Height 4-5 feet. Northern Asia. Zones 3-8.

Sarracenia alata : SARRACENIACEAE, (Yellow Pitcher Plant). Yellow 3-inch flowers. Trumpets yellowish green, to 2 feet tall. Moist to boggy soil is best. Alabama to Texas. Zones 7b-11.

Satureja georgiana : LAMIACEAE, (Georgia Savory). Bushy plant with small, dark, glossy, scented leaves and pink flowers in late summer. Grows to about 18" tall - excellent ornamental. NC to Fl and MS.

Scaevola aemula : GOODENIACEAE, (Blue Wonder). Intense blue flowers shaped much like Lobelia, throughout summer and fall. Give some shade in the Deep South, with very good drainage. Height one foot. Zones 8-11.

Scutellaria costaricana : LAMIACEAE, (Costa Rican Skullcap). Reddish orange plumes, the flowers with yellow throats. Height 2 feet. Hardiness untested here. Zones 9-11.

Scutellaria incana : LAMIACEAE, (Blue Skullcap). Robust 4' perennial with blue flowers. Showy native of east central US. for growth in sun or partial shade. The best hardy skullcap - recommended. Blooms in July/August here. Noninvasive. Zones 5-9. (Image / JPEG / 600x426 pixels / 60.9KB)

Scutellaria javanica. Purple flowers, everblooming from spring to fall. Height one foot and spreading. Hardiness untested here; reportedly hardy to New York City with protection. Zones 7-11.

Scutellaria 'Purple Fountain'. Rosy purple 1½-inch blooms in spring and fall. Height one foot and spreading. Good foliage. Zones 9-11. (Image / JPEG / 535x356 pixels / 38.7KB)

Scutellaria sp. 'Lavender'. Similar to S. suffrutescens. Small plants (to 8 inches tall) with tiny leaves and ½-inch lavender flowers. Texas-Mexico. Zones 7-11.

Sedum 'Autumn Joy' : CRASSULACEAE, (Autumn Joy Sedum) Easy perennial offers 4-season interest. Good wide succulent foliage, pink flowers which turn to rusty pink in fall (often flowers in spring or early summer here), and adaptability to a wide range of conditions support its popularity. Full sun to partial shade; moist to dry, well-drained soils. Zones 3-9.

Sedum mexicanum. (Mexican Sedum). Needle leaves on spreading plants. Large yellow starflowers in spring. Height 6-8"; full sun to half shade. Best groundcover type for the Deep South. Zones 8-10.

Sedum 'Ruby Glow'. Wide gray-green leaves on 12" plants, which prefer a little shade and sharp drainage. Dark ruby red flowers in late summer. A favorite. Zones 5-9.

Sedum spectabile 'Carmen'. Thick leaves on 15" plants. Deep pink flowers in summer. Hardy. Zones 5-9.

Sedum spectabile 'Meteor'. Pinkish red flowers. This and 'Carmen' are fine substitutes for 'Autumn Joy', though less well known. Zones 5-9.

Sesbania macrocarpa (S. exaltata) : FABACEAE, (Hemp Sesbania). Tall reseeding annual with fine pinnate leaves and 1-inch orange-red flowers in mid to late summer. Height 6 feet or more. Southeastern native.

Setcreasea pallida 'Purple Heart' : COMMELINACEAE, (Purple Heart). Intensely purple leaves with violet flowers from boat shaped bracts. Succulent plants which sprawl to form a nice groundcover for sun or partial shade. Grow beneath or in front of leggy, pale yellow-flowered plants such as Salvia madrensis or Silphium gracile for contrast. Hardy here. Zones 7-11. (Image / JPEG / 480x482 pixels / 40KB)

Silphium gracile : ASTERACEAE, (Rosin Weed). Statuesque beauty with large opposite leaves on strong stalks to 6' or more, topped in late summer with masses of butter yellow daisies with greenish centers. Excellent native - highly recommended! Shear once or twice in early summer to limit height and promote bushiness. Hardy; tolerates shade well. Zones 5-9. (Image / JPEG / 429x455 pixels / 42.3KB)

Silphium perfoliatum, (Cup Plant). Opposite leaves join at the stem to produce a cup. 8' plant with yellow flowers. Native range includes parts of Mississippi. Needs deep, well drained soils in sun or partial shade. Zones 4-8.

Solanum pseudocapsicum : SOLANACEAE, (Jerusalem Cherry). Perennial/shrub with balls of orange berries in summer and fall. Height 2 to 3 feet; full sun best. Fruits are poisonous. Zones 7-11.

Solidago odora : ASTERACEAE, (Scented Goldenrod). Fine tarragon substitute, with glossy leaves and showy goldenrod flowers in fall. Nicely scented foliage on hardy plants to 5' tall. Our plants from local stock.

Solidago rigida, (Stiff Goldenrod). The individual florets on this goldenrod are larger and a softer yellow than others, like miniature daisies, and the foliage is smoother and broader. Zones 4-8.

Solidago tenuifolia (Euthamia tenuifolia), (Grass-Leaved Goldenrod). Light green, threadlike leaves grace this native in summer, giving an airy effect. In fall, the broad heads of small yellow flowers cover the tops of the plants in an equally airy manner. Height 3 to 4 feet. Rhizomatous. Our plants from stock found growing in southern MS. Zones 7-9.

Solidago ulmifolia (S. rugosa?), (Elmleaf Goldenrod). Elm-like leaves and golden fall flowers in narrow, gracefully spreading heads. Good grower in shady situations; not invasive here. Height 4'. Zones 5-9.

Stachys byzantinus : LAMIACEAE, (Lamb's Ears). Fuzzy silver leaves make good edging or front of the border plant. Excellent drainage and a sunny, open exposure are required. (Image / JPEG / 525x621 pixels / 51.1KB)

Stachys coccineus, (Scarlet Stachys). Scarlet flowers in late summer and fall. Green leaves from a basal rosette. Height 18", spread 2'. From the Arizona mountains. Give good drainage and a sunny site. Zones 9-10.

Stachytarpheta purpurea : VERBENACEAE, (Blue Bush Verbena). Bushy herbaceous plant for sunny sites. The 1", deep blue-purple flowers appear a few at a time, from the bottom up, along the long narrow flower spikes all summer and fall. Height of plants is about 3 feet, and the flower spikes add another 1½ feet. Mexico. Hardiness untested; may reseed. Zones 9-11. (Image / JPEG / 600x482 pixels / 51KB)

Stemodia tomentosa : SCROPHULARIACEAE, (Woolly Stemodia). White-woolly perennial groundcover from the dunes of the South Texas coast and adjacent Mexico. One inch leaves on trailing plants, rooting at the nodes, and spreading quickly to 3' or more in a season; about 4-6" high. Small, blue-lavender flowers in late summer and fall. Zones 8-11.

Stokesia laevis : ASTERACEAE, (Stokes' Aster). Evergreen strap shaped leaves hold interest through the year. Spring flowers are 3" cornflower blue and frilly. This hardy native tolerates wet soil, poor drainage, and shade. Zones 6-9. (Image / JPEG / 600x482 pixels / 51KB)

Stromanthe sanguinea : MARANTACEAE, (Stromanthe sanguinea, Stromanthe amabilis). Beautiful, bold foliage plant for partial to full shade. The large leaves (to 20 in. long) are dark green above and wine-purple beneath. Flowers have a white calyx and bracts of cherry red. Height to 5 ft. Brazil. Hardiness untested here; presumably Zones 9-11. (Image / JPEG / 640x480 pixels / 53.9KB)

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This page most recently updated March 16, 2000.

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