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Ratibida columnnifera : ASTERACEAE, (Mexican Hat). Biennial coneflower with yellow-orange ray flowers and a large, pointed, dark brown cone. Height to 4'. Zones 4-8(9).

Ratibida pinnata, (Yellow Coneflower). Interesting pinnate foliage supports yellow flowers with a dark central cone, in early to mid summer. Beautiful native plant for sunny areas. Height to 4'. Zones 4-8(9). (Image / JPEG / 332x383 pixels / 29KB)

Reinwardtia indica : LINACEAE, (Yellow Flax). Round yellow 1" flowers in late summer and fall on 2-3', upright, clumping plants. Foliage is slightly glaucous and attractive. Zones 8-11; sun or partial shade, rich, moist soil. Native to the mountains of northern India and China.

Rhazya orientalis : APOCYNACEAE, (Oriental Blue Star). Small plants much like Amsonia, but from the Orient rather than America. Glossy leaves look much like Amsonia tabernaemontana, but the starlike flowers are a darker blue. Height here about 18 inches; can grow to 3 feet tall. Greece to Asia Minor. Zones 5-8.

Rhexia mariana : MELASTOMATACEAE, (Meadow Beauty). Pretty little plants, slender-stemmed, bushy, to 2' tall. Flowers are 1½ inches, pink, with yellow, hooked stamens. Easily grown. Eastern U.S. (Image / JPEG / 362x299 pixels / 35KB)

Rivina humilis : PHYTOLACCACEAE, (Rouge Plant, Bloodberry, Baby Pepper). Clusters of bright red berries at the branch tips follow the small white flowers. Blooms and berries from spring to fall. Grow 2 to 4 feet tall, and thrives in shade and moisture. Showy native of Gulf coastal U.S. to tropical America. Zones 8-11. (Image / JPEG / 553x467 pixels / 44KB)

Rudbeckia fulgida var. Sullivantii 'Goldsturm' : ASTERACEAE, (Black-Eyed Susan). Excellent perennial offers bright summer color and nearly carefree maintenance. Yellow flowers with a dark cone produced 2' above wide foliage. Full sun is best. Northeast and Midwest U.S. Zones 4-9.

Rudbeckia laciniata. Strong grower to 9', with drooping single yellow ray flowers and greenish-yellow disc flowers. Broad, deeply lobed pinnate foliage. Native from Rocky Mts. eastward. Zones 5-9.

Rudbeckia laciniata 'Autumn Sun'. Height usually 7 feet or less; yellow daisies with green cones in late summer. Zones 5-9. Limited availability.

Rudbeckia nitida, (Smoothleaf Giant Coneflower). Large, leathery leaves to one foot long. Yellow, green-centered daisy flowers, with a prominent cone, in summer. Height 6 ft. or more; foliage stops at about 4 ft. GA and FL to TX. Zones 7-9.

Rudbeckia subtomentosa, (Sweet Black-Eyed Susan). Reliable 4 1/2' perennial with brown centered yellow flowers, borne singly. This native plant is nonrhizomatous. Attractive late summer bloomer. Central U.S. Zones 4-8.

Rudbeckia triloba, (Bushy Black-Eyed Susan). Bushy plants to 4' tall, with lots of deep yellow, dark-centered flowers in summer. Long flowering period. An excellent perennial here, though said to be somewhat troublesome in the northeastern U.S. Native to eastern half of U.S. Zones 4-9.

Ruellia Brittoniana : ACANTHACEAE, (Wild Petunia). Three foot upright perennial, with lavender, 1½", lobed flowers, in summer and fall. Likes some shade; tolerant of dry soil. Escaped from cultivation in the southeastern U.S.; Native of Mexico. Zones 8-11.

Ruellia Brittoniana 'Chi Chi'(Pink Wild Petunia). Selection by Native Texas Nursery in Austin. Beautiful pink flowers on bushy plants to 3' tall. Prolific bloomer. Highly recommended! Zones 8-11.

Ruellia Brittoniana 'Katie's Dwarf', (Katie's Dwarf Ruellia). Selection by Lynn Lowery of Houston, TX, and named for his friend, the late Katie Ferguson. Low, dwarf plants to 6" tall, much branched, with flowers about the same size as the species (1½"). Great border or edging plant. Grows well in sun (if moist) or shade. Zones 8-11. (Image / JPEG / 427x320 pixels / 38.2KB)

Ruellia graecizans, (Red Christmas Pride). Tender perennial with 1" red summer flowers on 3-4' plants. Glossy, broad leaves. Previously offered as R. gracilis. South America. Zones 9-11; may reseed.

Ruellia graecizans 'Glasshouse Works', (Redleaf Christmas Pride). Form of Ruellia graecizans with purple-backed leaves and slightly larger red flowers; blooms later (autumn). Height 4-5 feet. Zones 8-11.

Ruellia humilis, (Blue Shade). Groundcovering "Wild Petunia" with hairy leaves and blue summer flowers. Thrives in shade. Stems creep along the ground and root at the nodes. Height here one foot or less. Native to east, central, midwest, and southeastern U.S. Zones 5-9.

Ruellia macrantha, (Pink Wild Petunia). Three inch pink (rose purple) flowers in fall and winter. Upright grower to 5' tall, with broad leaves to 6" long by 3" wide; slightly pubescent. Brazil. Not hardy here at 15°F. Zones 9-11.

Ruellia Makoyana, (Monkey Plant). Brazilian native with purple-backed tomentose leaves with white markings above. Flowers reddish purple. Hardy to at least 15°F. Zones 8-11.

Ruellia malacosperma 'Alba', (White Wild Petunia). Similar to R. Brittoniana, but with broader, shorter leaves. Pure white flowers. Mexico. Zones 7-11.

Russelia equisetiformis : SCROPHULARIACEAE, (Coralblow, Coral Plant). Showy, rushlike 4' shrub, with many narrow stems bearing bright red, tubular, 1" flowers all summer and fall. The few leaves that are produced fall away early or are reduced to scales, leaving just the green stems and the flowers. Mexico. Hardy to at least 15°F. Zones 8-11. (Image / JPEG / 486x468 pixels / 46.7KB) (Image (Plant Habit) / JPEG / 600x407 pixels / 77KB)

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This page most recently updated March 16, 2000.

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