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Selected Groups of Perennials:
Abutilon (Parlor Maple)
Achillea (Yarrow)

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Abelmoschus 'Oriental Red': MALVACEAE, (Red Abelmoschus). Abelmoschus is the genus of okra. Red mallow flowers on 2' plants, reseeding fairly well for us. Showy all summer. Full sun to partial shade; rich, moist soil. Grown primarily from commercial wholesale seed sources. Available spring through fall. Reseeding annual here; Zones 9-11.

Abelmoschus Manihot, (Yellow Abelmoschus). Large, soft yellow flowers with red centers all along the 4-6' stems. Flowers in summer. Deadhead for best performance, though some seed pods should be left on at the end of the summer in order to have some reseeding plants, in case there is a cold winter. Hardy to 7° F or lower. Full sun to partial shade, moist to dry soil, well-drained. Zone 7-10. Native of tropical Asia.

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Abutilon arboreum : MALVACEAE, (Parlor Maple). Small yellow flowers enhance the broad, hairy, Hibiscus mutabilis-like leaves. Strong grower with an upright habit, reaching 5 ft. in a season here. Zones 8-11.

Abutilon x hybridum, (Parlor Maple or Chinese-Lantern). Old fashioned house plant which makes a fine shrub for Zones 8-11. Tolerates shade well, and is essentially everblooming. ( Image / JPEG / 460x600 pixels / 55.4KB )

We offer the following Abutilon hybrid selections:
Abutilon x hybridum 'Apricot Belle': large apricot-peach bells, though some would call it simply "pink". Very good performer here.

Abutilon x hybridum 'Ballerina': bright pink, flaring flowers.

Abutilon x hybridum 'Clementine': scarlet hybrid; semi-compact habit; grows to 6'.

Abutilon x hybridum 'Crimson Belle': Royal red.

Abutilon x hybridum 'Nabob': shining dark red-purple; very large bells; excellent bloomer. Plants are fairly compact, and often grow as wide as tall (about 4 ft.).

Abutilon x hybridum 'Old Rose Belle'

Abutilon x hybridum 'Orange with Red Veins': yellowish orange with red veins; tall grower; 8' or more. ( Image / JPEG / 538x357 pixels / 40.5KB )

Abutilon x hybridum 'Phenomenal': gold; good bloomer.

Abutilon x hybridum 'Scarlet': Strong red.

Abutilon x hybridum 'Silver Belle': Irridescent white.

Abutilon x hybridum 'Silver Chimes': Pure white.

Abutilon x hybridum 'Tangerine Belle': Orange, large bells. ( Image / JPEG / 640x480 pixels / 52.1KB )

Abutilon x hybridum 'Temple Flame': orange with yellow veins; tall grower; 8' or more. ( Image / JPEG / 431x460 pixels / 24.6KB )

Abutilon x hybridum 'Yellow': unidentified yellow; nice hybrid.

Abutilon megapotamicum 'Kentish Belle', (Trailing Abutilon). Yellow, slightly flared petals dangle below a yellow calyx like a fuchsia blossom, on this slender, arching shrub. Useful as a hanging basket, or in the ground in Zones 8-11. Height 2'; spreading to 4'.

Abutilon megapotamicum 'Little Imp', (Little Imp Trailing Abutilon). The selection 'Little Imp' has larger flowers than the species, and is a more compact grower. Flowers are yellow, aging to red, below a red calyx. Give partial shade and a rich soil. Best growth occurs during cool to mild weather. Southern Brazil. Zones 8-11. ( Image / JPEG / 486x496 pixels / 53.9KB )

Abutilon megapotamicum 'Variegatum', (Variegated Trailing Abutilon). Leaves lightly spotted with gold.

Abutilon pictum 'Gold Dust', (Gold Dust Parlor Maple). Similar to A. p. 'Thompsonii', but leaves are more liberally colored with gold. ( Image / JPEG / 640x480 pixels / 65.7KB )

Abutilon pictum 'Souvenir de Bonn', (Variegated Parlor Maple). Leaves broadly edged in cream, producing a vivid variegation. Orange flowers, sparingly produced. Tall grower. Zones 8-11.

Abutilon pictum 'Thompsonii', (Variegated Parlor Maple). Leaves are splashed with yellow. Orange flowers (primarily in cooler weather) provide a nice enhancement of the foliage. Popular old fashioned house plant. Compact. Zones 8-11.

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Achillea Millefolium 'Cerise Queen': ASTERACEAE, (Cerise Queen Yarrow). With this yarrow, the flat-topped flowers are rose-red to pink (variable from seed), the foliage is bright green and feathery, and the height is 2 feet, in full sun. Requires sharp drainage. Not recommended for areas with high summer rainfall or poor winter drainage. Seed grown. Native of Eurasia; naturalized in N. America. Zones 3-8. ( Image / JPEG / 400x600 pixels / 61KB )

Achillea Millefolium 'Heidi', (Heidi Yarrow). Good, clear pink yarrow. Height about 2'. Give excellent drainage in full sun. Zones 3-8.

Achillea 'Summer Pastels Mix'. Mix of pastel colors. Millefolium type, for full sun. Seed grown. Culture: very well drained soil in sunny, airy location. Not recommended for areas with high summer rainfall or poor winter drainage. Zones 3- 8.

Achillea taygetea 'Debutante Mix'. New colors including beige, pale lavender, various shades of red and pink, etc. Foliage like A. millefolium. Seed grown. Not recommended for areas with high summer rainfall or poor winter drainage. Requires excellent drainage and a sunny, airy exposure. Zones 3-8.

Achillea 'The Beacon'(='Fanal'), (Beacon Yarrow). Brightest red millefolium type. Very nice - grown from division. Full sun; height 18". Not recommended for areas with high summer rainfall or poor winter drainage. Requires excellent drainage and a sunny, airy exposure. Zones 3-8.

Agapanthus africanus: AMARYLLIDACEAE, (Lily of the Nile). A ball of deep blue flowers towers 3' above evergreen (in mild winters) strap-shaped foliage. A favorite for growing in tubs, where it is perhaps best. Generally flowers early summer. Mulch well in winter when grown in the ground, and when pot-grown, keep cool and DRY in winter. Zones 8-10. P> Agapanthus africanus 'Albus'. The white flowered form of the Lily of the Nile. Good grower. Seed grown first year plants. Zones 8-10. P> Agapanthus africanus 'Peter Pan', (Dwarf Lily of the Nile). Blue flowers. The plants grow about 18" tall. Seed grown first year plants. Zones 8b-10. P> Agastache 'Apricot Sunrise' : LAMIACEAE, (Apricot Agastache). Orange flowers are sage-like, and the dark, pointed foliage is mint-scented. Height about 3 feet, in full sun. Provide sharp drainage. Zones 8b-11.

Agastache mexicana 'Toronjil Morado' (Mexican Hyssop). Hybrid with pink tubular flowers at the branch tips in summer. Grows about 3' tall, and requires good drainage in sun or partial shade. Scented foliage. Hardy from Zones 8b-11. ( Image / JPEG / 360x379 pixels / 41KB )

Allium cernuum : AMARYLLIDACEAE, (Nodding Pink Onion). This ornamental onion has balls of fading pink flowers, the individual florets nodding, in midsummer to fall. Plants grow to about 18 inches tall, are hardy, and grow best in moist soil, in partial shade to full sun. American native, N.Y. to S.C., west to California. Zones 4-8(9).

Aloe saponaria : LILIACEAE, (Coral Aloe). Coral colored, tubular flowers in spikes to 4' tall, from a spiny basal rosette, which grows about 18 inches across. The leaves are spotted with silver. This is a striking plant which has performed very well here. Give good drainage in sun. Hardy here. South Africa. Zones 8-11.

Aloysia virgata : VERBENACEAE, (Sweet Verbena). Intensely fragrant white flowers in terminal spikes, much like a small butterfly bush (Buddleia Davidii). Height 3-5 feet. Hardy in Zones 8b-11.

Alternanthera ficoidea 'Bettzickiana' : AMARANTHACEAE, (Calico Plant). Multicolored foliage of red, pink, bronze, green, and cream on a plant growing less than one foot tall. Tender perennial - marginally hardy here, sometimes not re-emerging until summer. Native from Mexico to Argentina. Zones 8b-11.

Alternanthera ficoidea 'Snowball', (White Calico Plant). Features green foliage at the base and pure white leaves at the tips. Slender growth habit - would make a fine hanging basket. A hard-to-ignore plant for partial to full shade. Tender perennial. Zones 9-11.

Alstroemeria pulchella (A. psittacina) : ALSTROEMERIACEAE, (Inca Lily). Showy heads of red tubular flowers flecked with brown and striped with green on strong 2-3' stems in early summer. Fine cut flower. Grows well in sun or shade. Usually goes dormant after flowering, with the foliage returning in fall and remaining evergreen until the next flowering. Deadhead to prevent unwanted seedlings. Invasive by underground rhizome and seed. Dry soil ok. Brazil. Zones 7-10.

Amsonia Hubrectii : APOCYNACEAE, (Hubrect's Blue Star). Needle like foliage whorled around the stem creates a unique effect. The foliage effect is marvelous, a lacy filigree from spring through fall. Fall leaves change from green to yellow to orange. One of the best flowering Amsonias (light blue stars in late spring). American native. Goes totally dormant and emerges late in the spring. Zones 6-9.

Amsonia ludoviciana, (Louisiana Blue Star). Much wider leaves than A. tabernaemontana, almost feltlike to the touch. Light blue stars are produced in spring. This is becoming the preferred species of Amsonia here, as it flowers more heavily than any other, it breaks dormancy earlier, and the growth habit is very vigorous. Highly recommended. Goes totally dormant and emerges late in the spring. Zones 6-9. ( Image / JPEG / 406x385 pixels / 48.5KB )

Amsonia salicifolia (A. Tabernaemontana var. salicifolia), (Willowleaf Blue Star). Deciduous plant forming clumps to 3' tall. Periwinkle blue stars in terminal heads are formed in early summer. Needs full sun and moist, fertile soil. Fine foliage and restrained growth are assets of this native plant. Zones 5-9. Goes totally dormant and emerges late in the spring.

Amsonia texana, (Texas Blue Star). Deciduous plants with narrow, shiny leaves, and light blue spring stars. Full sun to partial shade, plant in moist soil. Zones 6-9. Goes totally dormant and emerges late in the spring.

Ardisia japonica : MYRSINACEAE, (Marlberry). Foliage and fruiting groundcover for partial to full shade. Red berries nestle among the rounded, shiny leaves. Stoloniferous, spreading rapidly in rich, moist soils. Height about one foot. Zones 8-11.

Aristea Ecklonii : IRIDACEAE, (Aristea) This has been likened to a tall, dark blue "blue-eyed grass" (Sisyrinchium), to which it is related. Height about 18 inches, with irislike foliage. Clump-forming perennial for sun or light shade. Zones 8-11. ( Image / JPEG / 476x469 pixels / 32KB )

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Artemesia Abrotanum : ASTERACEAE, (Southernwood, Old-Man). Aromatic subshrub with dissected green leaves. Height to 4 ft. here, possibly taller farther north. Native of Southern Europe, naturalized in eastern US. Zones 4-8.

Artemisia Abrotanum 'Lemon', (Lemon Southernwood). Lemon scented version of Southernwood.

Artemisia Abrotanum 'Tangerine', (Tangerine Southernwood).

Artemesia Absinthium, (Absinthe, Common Wormwood). European native which has naturalized in the northeastern US and Canada. Lacy, aromatic green foliage on a perennial to 2 ft. tall here, possibly to 4 ft. tall farther north. Zones 3-8.

Artemesia annua, (Sweet Annie) Sweet-scented annual with ferny leaves on a narrow, upright plant to 4 ft. or so.

Artemesia Absinthium 'Huntington', (Huntington Wormwood). Selection of wormwood, or possibly a hybrid, with silvery white leaves, much like Artemesia 'Powis Castle'. Height about 2 ft., more upright than 'Powis Castle'. Zones 3-8.

Artemesia arborescens, (Tall Artemesia). Shrubby perennial to 3 ft. with bright yellow flowers. Native of the Mediterranean region.

Artemesia chamaemelifolia, (Chamomile Wormwood). 2 ft. aromatic shrub from Southern Europe with dissected leaves.

Artemesia ludoviciana, (Western Mugwort or Cudweed). Previously offered as 'Silver King'. Beautiful silvery foliage distinguishes this hardy perennial. Needs full sun and good drainage. Aggressive spreader by rhizomes. Height 2 to 3 feet. Zones 4-8. Native of midwestern and western U.S.

Artemesia ludoviciana var. albula (Silver King Artemesia). Leaves on Silver King are shorter (1-inch), lanceolate, and silvery on both surfaces. Native of southwestern U.S. and adjacent Mexico. Zones 4-8.

Artemisia ludoviciana 'Valerie Finnis', (Valerie Finnis Mugwort). Beautiful silvery foliage distinguishes this hardy perennial. Needs full sun and good drainage. Aggressive spreader by rhizomes. Height 2 to 3 feet. Zones 4-8. Native of midwestern and western U.S. P> Artemisia 'Powis Castle', (Powis Castle Artemisia). Subshrub with excellent, silvery, finely cut leaves. Ultimate size is probably 2-3' tall by 4-6' wide. Flowers insignificant. Provide sun and excellent drainage. Plant in a location with good airflow, where leaves do not remain wet for extended periods. Zones 4-8(9).

Artemisia Stellerana 'Silver Brocade' (Beach Wormwood, Hardy Dusty Miller, Old-Woman). Low growing plants, with rounded, lobed, silvery white leaves and felty-white stems. Height less than 4" usually, but the yellow flowers increase the height to 2' or so. Rhizomatous. Provide excellent drainage and full sun. From northeastern Asia. Zones 4-8.

Asclepias incarnata, (Swamp Milkweed). 5' perennial, a native of wet areas of eastern and midwestern US. Pink flowers at the top of the stems. Seed grown. Zones 3-9.

Aspidistra elatior 'Milky Way' : LILIACEAE, (Milky Way Cast Iron Plant). Leaves lightly splashed with white. More compact than the species. Foliage plant for shade. Zones 8b-11.

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Asters are great fall bloomers. Gardeners should plant them more often, for the reward is enthusiastic bloom. Some species are undeterred by the first fall frosts, blooming unimpeded until they decide it's time to quit. Their lower leaves are often absent at flowering time, which gives botanists fits, but it shouldn't bother the intrepid gardener who's learned how to face down those leggy perennials with shorter, bushier plants.

Aster adnatus : ASTERACEAE, (Chain-Leaf Aster). Plants are much branched, with tiny leaves closely appressed to the stem, in a chainlike arrangement. Violet-blue fall flowers in narrow, terminal heads. Height 2-3', with a globular form. For well drained soils in sun or partial shade. Native of Louisiana and Mississippi; our plants from local stock.

Aster azureus, (Sky Blue Aster). Deep blue flowers on 3-4' plants in late summer. Native of eastern U.S. Zones 4-8.

Aster carolina, (Carolina Aster). Lavender-pink daisies on plants with wiry, climbing stems. Becomes woody with age, and is deciduous. Actually a shrub/vine which does not die to the ground. May clamber to 12'. Fall blooming native, from NC to FL, in bogs and wet ground. Struggles a bit in drier soils, but performs acceptably. Zones 6-9.

Aster 'Climax', (Climax Aster). Good true blue, fall blooming aster hybrid. Grows to about 3' tall, much branched at the top. Zones 4-9. Selection of an eastern native. Well drained soils in sun or partial shade.

Aster concolor, (Blazingstar Aster, Oval-Leaf Aster). A species, much like a larger version of Aster adnatus, with ½-inch, oval leaves somewhat appressed to the stem in the upper part; much less branching and taller than A. adnatus. The basal rosette in late winter and spring is noticeable in early morning, when dew is caught on the hairy leaves. Height 4 ft., violet-blue flowers on thin, waving branches in fall. Local native stock.

Aster Drummondii, (Drummond's Aster). Blue to white flowers in fall. Height 2-4 feet. Zones 4-8.

Aster ericoides, (Heath Aster, Fall Aster, Frost Aster, Wreath Aster). A frothy mass of tiny white flowers in fall. The very fine textured foliage is a dusky purple mist through the summer when grown in full sun with adequate moisture; green in shade and dry conditions. Height 5 feet. Southeastern U.S. native; our stock from a local population. Zones 6-9. ( Image / JPEG / 419x315 pixels / 51KB )

Aster ericoides 'Esther', (Esther Aster). Dwarf selection of the Heath Aster, with hundreds of small white daisies on a compact mound to 18" tall. Flowers late summer to fall. I originally bought this plant because I liked saying "Aster 'Esther'", but it turned out to be a fine selection anyway. Zones 6-9.

Aster ericoides 'Pink Cloud', (Pink Cloud Aster). Compact selection of the Heath Aster, with hundreds of white daisies on upright plants to 30" tall. Little if any pink color in the ray flowers is evident in our climate, though I suppose a cooler locale may bring out the color. Flowers late summer to fall. Zones 6-9.

Aster hemisphaericus, (Linear Leaf Native Aster). This bushy aster grows to about 2' tall, has narrow leaves up to 8" long and light purple flowers in late summer. Beautiful, in and out of bloom. One of my favorite asters, though propagation is difficult. Native of Mississippi, in well drained soils. Zones 7-9.

Aster laevis, (Smooth Aster). The large, smooth leaves of this fall-blooming aster enhance the generous heads of blue flowers. Very attractive, and a good performer in southwest Mississippi. Height is three to four feet. Native over most of the U.S.

Aster lateriflorus, (Calico Aster, White Aster). Three foot aster with a panicle of white flowers in fall. Grows well in full sun to partial shade and average garden soil. Eastern U.S. native. Zones 4-9.

Aster lateriflorus 'Prince', (Prince Calico Aster). Dark-leaved selection. White flowers in fall. Give sun for best foliage color. Zones 4-9.

Aster linariifolius, (Stiff Aster). Violet flowers in fall on short, rounded plants with rather stiff stems, to 18" tall and wide. The short, needlelike leaves are dark green and held firmly in whorls at right angles to the stem. One of those plants that just begs to be touched. The handler is rewarded with a wonderful swooshing sound. Our plants from stock in Walthall County, MS.

Aster novae-angliae. The basic New England Aster does quite well in the South, where other "Yankees" may wilt in the heat. Late summer blooms of purple, pink or lavender & gold. 5' tall. Moist, well drained, rich soil in sun or partial shade. Interestingly, foliage is slightly aromatic. Zones 4-9. ( Image / JPEG / 351x418 pixels / 36KB )

Aster oblongifolius, (Aromatic Aster). Native of midwestern and western US. Violet ray flowers in fall on 18"-24" plants, with aromatic foliage - a close relative of A. novae-angliae, no doubt. Good grower and bloomer here; tolerant of alkaline soil. Used in the Deep South as a substitute for A. Frikartii 'Monch'. Barbara's favorite Aster. Zones 5-9. ( Image / JPEG / 588x385 pixels / 70KB )

Aster pilosellus, (Native White Aster). Billowing clouds of white daisies in the fall cover these bushy 5' native plants. Prefers well drained soils in sun or some shade. Seed-grown, from local stock. Zones 6(?)-9.

Aster praealtus, (Native Blue Aster). Very beautiful native aster from local seed stock. Profuse bloomer in the fall, with soft blue 1" flowers which tolerate light, early frosts. Grows to 5' tall and about 3' wide. Similar to A. pilosellus in habit. Native from Michigan to northern Mexico, including Mississippi and Louisiana. Our plants from local stock. Not particular as to soil type, though reasonably good drainage is suggested, in sun. Identified by Dr. McDaniel of Mississippi State. Zones 4-9.

Aster ptarmicoides, (White Upland Aster). 2 foot white fall aster. Native to U.S. and southern Canada east of the Rockies. Zones 3-8.

Aster puniceus, (Swamp Aster). An aster for moist to wet soils, growing 4-5' tall or more, with white flowers in the fall. Likes calcareous soils. Native of eastern U.S. and Canada. Zones 4-8(9).

Aster sp. 'Mountain Aster', (Mountain Aster). Unidentified species which closely resembles Aster praealtus, but is a little shorter and not as branched near the top. Blue flowers in fall. Zones 5-9.

Aster tataricus 'Jin Dai', (Jin Dai Tartarian Aster). 6 foot aster with very large basal leaves. Lavender flowers in late summer/fall. Rhizomatous native of eastern Asia. Zones 4-9.

Aster texanus, (Texas Aster). Texas native. 3-4' tall, upright grower with whitish flowers in fall. Has done very well in containers during the summer. Dislikes overly acid soil. Should be hardy to at least Zones 7-9.

Aster vimineus 'Lovely', (Lovely Aster). Short (18 inches) white aster, blooming in late summer with hundreds of tiny white daisies. Zones 5-8.

Aster 'White Climax', (White Climax Aster). White, fall blooming aster hybrid. Grows 3-4' tall, much branched at the top. Selection of an eastern native. Zones 4-9.

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This page most recently updated Saturday, March 11, 2000.

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