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Featured Herbs:
Mints / Oreganoes

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Herb plants suitable for growing in the Deep South (USDA Zones 7-9):

Hydrocotyle asiatica 'Major' : APIACEAE, (Gotu Kola). Spreading perennial groundcover, round leaves used in salads. Hardy here; Zones 8-11.

Laurus nobilis, : LAURACEAE, (Bay Laurel). Source of bay leaves. Zone 8 shrub or small tree: young plants are especially tender, while older, established plants can take temperatures down to around 0° F. Sun to partial shade and a moist soil. Yields an essential oil used in medicine and perfumery. Mediterranean.

Lavandula Stoechas : LAMIACEAE, (Spanish Lavender). Grey leafed aromatic, with short spikes of purple flowers in early summer. Zone 8 perennial requiring sun and excellent drainage. Grows to 3' tall and wide. The only lavender we have grown here which has persisted for years. Mediterranean region and Portugal.

Lippia dulcis: VERBENACEAE, (Aztec Sweet Herb). Sweet saccharin like leaves, with just a hint of camphor, on a rapidly spreading, ground-covering plant to 6" tall. Reseeding annual or tender perennial for sun or light shade. Zones 8-11.

Lippia graveolens, (Mexican Oregano). Tall, fast growing tender shrub grown for its aromatic leaves. Grows to 5' tall; has tiny white summer flowers. Zones 8-11.

Lippia micromera, (Dominican Oregano). Outstanding ornamental with small , oregano-scented leaves on a conical plant to 2-3 feet tall. The clusters of white flowers in late summer add ornamental qualities, also. Hardiness untested here. Zones 10-11.

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Matricaria recutita : ASTERACEAE, (German Chamomile). Ferny plant grown for the white flowers which are dried for chamomile tea. Height in flower about 12" here. Europe, west Asia.

Melissa officinalis : LAMIACEAE, (Lemon Balm). Lemon scented leaves on this non-invasive mint. May seed around a bit, though. Grows to 1½ feet high in sun or partial shade, with well drained soil. Southern Europe. Zones 5-9. Potentially invasive by seed.

Mentha (Mint)

Mints are great spreaders for just about any exposure. They generally like a moist soil. Most spread rapidly by stolons or runners. A favorite use is to grow them in paths where foot traffic can release the scent. Warning: mints can be very invasive! Plant with care.

Mentha aquatica 'Crispa' : LAMIACEAE, (Curly Spearmint, Curly Water Mint). Spearmint scent, curly leaves, a compact habit, and an affinity for moist soil characterize this mint. Europe, N. Africa, Asia. Mediterranean.

Mentha arvensis var. piperescens, (Japanese Field Mint). An important source of menthol in Japan. Grows about3' tall, with broad leaves.

Mentha x 'Doublemint', (Doublemint). Delightfully combines the flavors of spearmint and peppermint. Very vigorous and hardy.

Mentha Gattefossei. Pennyroyal scented mint to 12 inches tall. One inch leaves and lilac flowers. Morocco. Zones 7-9.

Mentha x gentilis, (Ginger Mint). Pungent scent. Leaves streaked with yellow in spring.

Mentha x 'Hillary's Sweet Lemon'. Very nicely scented mint (with no particular political affinity) which reminds one of sweet lemonade. Broad leaves.

Mentha x 'Himalayan Silver'. Pungently scented mint with silvery leaves.

Mentha x 'Hugh's Iced Tea Mint'. Cousin Hugh Herrin's wonderful mint, from a patch planted long ago near his Mississippi plantation house. Give it a little neglect and a leaky faucet nearby, and you'll have great "pickins" for that refreshing southern summer favorite - iced tea.

Mentha hypocalyx. Sweet apple aroma.

Mentha japonica, (Japanese Mint). Lovely compact mint with small pointed leaves. A new favorite among the mints.

Mentha longifolia 'Capensis', (Cape Spearmint). Nice spearmint scent; long leaves.

Mentha longifolia 'Habek', (Habek Bible Mint). Long, pointed leaves with a musky, fruity scent.

Mentha x niliaca, (Egyptian Mint). Spearmint-like scent.

Mentha x piperita 'Bergamot'. Warm citrus scent.

Mentha x piperita 'Blackstem', (Blackstem Peppermint). True peppermint flavor. Dark leaves and nearly black stems. Hardy and vigorous.

Mentha x piperita 'Blue Balsam'. Spicy peppermint; dark leaves and stems.

Mentha x piperita 'Chocolate', (Chocolate Mint). Resembles peppermint, but has a hint of dark chocolate flavor, like a "Peppermint Patty".

Mentha x piperita 'Lavender'. Citrusy mint with lavender scent.

Mentha x piperita 'Todd Mitchum'. Fine peppermint variety.

Mentha x piperita citrata, (Orange Mint). Our favorite for a winter hot tea; soothing and flavorful. Orange bergamot flavor. Pretty round, shiny leaves.

Mentha x piperita citrata 'Grapefruit', (Grapefruit Mint). Distinctive grapefruit scent - amazing but true! Broad, crinkled leaves are attractive; strong grower.

Mentha x piperita citrata 'Lime', (Lime Mint). Shiny, dark green leaves; looks like orange mint, but with a lime scent.

Mentha Pulegium, (English Pennyroyal). Prostrate grower forming mats. Delightful aroma - useful for repelling fleas, etc. Not for human consumption, just human enjoyment of the scent. Europe, west Asia.

Mentha Pulegium 'Cunningham'. Very compact form of English pennyroyal.

Mentha x 'Red Stem Apple Mint'. Vigorous mint with reddish stems and a wonderful, fresh apple scent.

Mentha x 'Silver Mint'. Silvery leaves. Aromatic.

Mentha spicata 'Chewing Gum', (Chewing Gum Mint). Spearmint chewing gum scent.

Mentha spicata 'Curled', (Curled Leaf Spearmint). Twisted leaves make a corkscrew. Very pleasantly scented spearmint. Compact grower.

Mentha spicata 'Kentucky Colonel'. True spearmint, famous for it's use in mint juleps on race day.

Mentha spicata 'Mint-the-Best', (True Spearmint). The best spearmint flavor. Strong grower. Old fashioned "iced tea mint" - some just call this "mint".

Mentha spicata 'Really-the-Best'. Supposedly the "true" Mint-the-Best. Similar, but not the same. Excellent spearmint flavor. Vigorous grower.

Mentha spicata 'Scotch', (Scotch Spearmint). Wonderful, sweet spearmint scent.

Mentha x 'Thai Mint'. Used in Thai recipes. Pleasing fragrance.

Mentha tomentosa, (Fuzzy Mint). Our tallest (to 4') and most vigorous mint. Spearmint flavor with large fuzzy leaves. Hardy.

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Nepeta Cataria : LAMIACEAE, (Catnip). Vigorous plants stand up to even wild cats with virtual impunity. Tends to grow as a reseeding annual here. Grows to 3' tall and at least as wide. Eurasia. Potentially invasive.

Nepeta Cataria 'Citriodora', (Lemon Catnip). Lemon scent makes this less appealing to cats, more to humans.

Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant', (Six Hills Catmint). Sterile hybrid catmint with gray leaves and showy blue flowers in spring and summer. Large (for a catmint). Height to 18 inches.

Nepeta 'Walker's Low', (Walker's Low Catmint). Pebbly gray leaves and showy blue flowers in spring and summer. Smaller than 'Six Hills Giant'. Height 10-12".

Ocimum Basilicum : LAMIACEAE, (Sweet Basil). Your basic sweet basil, an essential part of the summer herb garden. From tropical parts of the Old World.

Origanum heracleoticum : LAMIACEAE, (True Greek Oregano). Fine seed strain producing sharp, biting oregano taste. Essential Italian herb. Southeast Europe.

Origanum sp. 'Jim Perry', (Jim Perry's Oregano). Snatched from the yard of Professor Perry of Mississippi State University. Actually appears to be a "Pot Marjoram" (Origanum Onites). Excellent for its plant habit, strong oregano taste, and tolerance of heat and humidity.

Origanum laevigatum 'Herrenhausen'. Smooth-leaved oregano with a loose habit. Height one foot. Flowers small, red-violet.

Origanum laevigatum 'Hopley's Purple'. Oregano with deep green leaves and a loose, upright habit. Height one foot. Flowers small, purplish.

Origanum pulchellum. Grey foliage, with pink flowers. Primarily ornamental, with a light scent to the leaves. Height less than one foot, spreading.

Origanum vulgare 'Compacta Nana'. Densely compact oregano with a mat-forming habit to one inch tall. Nicely scented foliage. Leaves about ½-inch wide.

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