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Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs
by Claire Kowalchik (Editor), William H. Hylton (Editor), Anna Carr (Illustrator)
Comprehensive and authoritative, this herb encyclopedia features information on the science and lore of herbs, complete information on gardening with herbs indoors and out, specifics on how to use herbs, and more. Home remedies, cooking with herbs, and crafting with herbs are also covered. 225 photos, 75 in color. Illustrations, charts & lists throughout.

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Herb plants suitable for growing in the Deep South (USDA Zones 7-9):

Agastache Foeniculum : LAMIACEAE, (Anise Hyssop). Spikes of dusky purple flowers are edible; blooms all summer. Flowers and leaves scented of anise; makes a nice tea. 3' tall, for sun or light shade. Reseeds readily. Hardy. From north central North America. (Image / JPEG / 372x384 pixels / 46KB)

Agastache Foeniculum 'Snow Spike' is the white flowered form of the anise hyssop. Flowers are edible; blooms all summer. Flowers and leaves scented of anise; makes a nice tea. 3' tall, for sun or light shade. Reseeds readily. Hardy. (Image / JPEG / 610x520 pixels / 83.1KB)

Allium Schoenoprasum : AMARYLLIDACEAE, (Common Chives, Onion Chives). Edible lavender spring flowers; chopped leaves used with sour cream on baked potatoes. Perennial to 12" tall, preferring full sun, but very adaptable. For best results, keep in containers in the Deep South. Europe, Asia. Zones 3-9.

Allium tuberosum, (Garlic Chives). Use similarly to common chives. Very ornamental white balls of flowers in late summer. Easily grown perennial for full sun. Southeast Asia. Hardy here. (Image / JPEG / 534x316 pixels / 47.6KB)

Aloe barbadensis : LILIACEAE, (Aloe vera). Large aloe vera. Medicinal uses for burns, etc. Mediterranean region native. Zones 9-11.

Aloe vera : LILIACEAE, (Small Aloe vera). The traditional "aloe vera". Good windowsill or sunroom plant. Keep one in the kitchen, as it will be most useful there! Medicinal uses for burns, etc. Mediterranean region native. Zones 9-11.

Aloysia macrostachya : VERBENACEAE, (Mint Verbena). Rounded, mint scented leaves. Lavender-purple flower spikes in summer. Attractive ornamental and a good butterfly plant. Reportedly hardy in Zones 8-9, but untested here. Rio Grande area of Texas and north Mexico.

Aloysia triphylla : (Lemon Verbena). The best of all lemon scented herbs! Tender perennial shrub to 6', preferring moist soil and full sun to partial shade. Makes an excellent container plant for patio or sunroom. Argentina, Chile. Zones 9-11.

Anethum graveolens 'Bouquet' : APIACEAE, (Dill). Popular annual herb. Best grown in cool weather, taking some frost. Seeds used in pickling cucumbers, etc. Leaf used in cooking, with fish, poultry, sauces. Makes a great herbal butter. The species is from southwest Asia.

Anethum graveolens 'Fernleaf' is a compact form of dill grown for the leaves rather than the seed.

Anthriscus cerefolium : APIACEAE, (Chervil). Beautiful cool-weather lover, with lacy leaves. Best in some shade, especially for warm months. Leaves used in French cooking, tasting of a cross between anise and parsley. Hardy annual or biennial from southeast Europe and western Asia.

Anthriscus cerefolium 'Brussels Winter'. This variety is slow to bolt into flower. Beautiful cool-weather lover, with lacy leaves. Best in some shade, especially for warm months. Leaves used in French cooking, tasting of a cross between anise and parsley. Hardy annual or biennial from southeast Europe and western Asia.

Apium graveolens : APIACEAE (Leaf Celery). Celery plants grown not for the stalk, but for the leaves. Plants look much like plain parsley. Great in tomato soup, etc.

Artemisia Abrotanum 'Lemon' : ASTERACEAE, (Southernwood). Lacy leaved plants to 4 feet or more tall. Aromatic green leaves. Southern Europe. Zones 5-8. P> Artemisia Abrotanum 'Tangerine', (Tangerine Southernwood). Aromatic plants to 4 feet or more tall with lacy green leaves. Scented with a hint of citrus. P> Artemisia Absinthium, (Absinthe, Wormwood). Perennial herb with very aromatic, lacy foliage. Used commercially in cosmetics, vermouth, absinthe. Give excellent drainage and full sun. Europe.

Artemisia annua : ASTERACEAE, (Sweet Annie). Green leaved annual aromatic herb. May reseed. Tolerates a little frost, therefore useful as a winter annual in Zone 9.

Artemesia pontica, (Roman Wormwood). Shrubby perennial to 3 feet tall. Very lacy leaves, smaller than most, silvery-gray. Southern Europe. Zones 5-8.

Brassica juncea 'Miike Purple Tinge', (Miike Purple Tinge Mustard Greens). Purple leaves in cool weather on this ornamental edible.

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Calamintha grandiflora : LAMIACEAE, (Calamint). Relatively large-flowered calamint; seeds about somewhat. Fine pennyroyal scent with a hint of catnip. Flowers are light pink, abundantly produced in summer. Hardy plants are compact - to about 18 inches tall; for sun or shade. Southern Europe. Zones 6-9.

Calamintha Nepeta : LAMIACEAE, (Calamint). Perennial mint; seeds about somewhat. Fine mint scent with a hint of catnip. Small pale lavender flowers, abundantly produced in late summer. Hardy plants for sun or shade. Southern Europe and Mediterranean region. Zones 6-9.

Calamintha Nepeta 'White Cloud', (Calamint). Perennial mint; seeds about somewhat. Fine mint scent with a hint of catnip. Small very pale, nearly white flowers, abundantly produced in late summer. Hardy plants for sun or shade. Southern Europe and Mediterranean region. Zones 6-9.

Capsicum annuum 'Crimson Hot' : SOLANACEAE, (Crimson Hot Pepper). Hot pepper with long, bright red peppers. Excellent producer.

Capsicum annuum 'Habanero'. Hottest of the hot. Fruits orange and round, like little pumpkins. Large leaves.

Capsicum annuum 'Japanese Black', (Japanese Black Pepper). A primarily ornamental pepper that nevertheless packs enough wallop for most users. The leaves are deep purple, and the conical fruits are purplish black at first, before turning red. Small purple flowers add ornament. Height 3 feet. Medium-hot to hot.

Capsicum annuum 'Pretty in Purple'. A primarily ornamental pepper. The small, pointed leaves are deep purple, and the rounded fruits are eggplant purple at first, before turning tomato red. Small purple flowers add ornament. Habit of plants is compact and spreading. Height 1-1½ feet. Excellent producer of mildly hot peppers.

Capsicum annuum 'Ring of Fire'. Small-leaved, very hot pepper with 2" long, curved, bright red fruit.

Carum Carvi : APIACEAE, (Caraway). Attractive, hardy annual or biennial preferring cooler weather and some shade. Seeds used in cooking. Europe.

Cedronella canariensis (C. triphylla) : LAMIACEAE, (Balm of Gilead). Citrus-scented tripartite leaves. Height 3 feet. Warm-weather lover. Hardiness untested here. Zones 9-11.

"Celtuce" : APIACEAE (Celtuce). Cross between celery and lettuce in flavor; this could possibly be a chicory, but the seed supplier doesn't specify a botanical name. Looks like lettuce, but makes a stalk, which can be blanched and eaten. Annual for cool weather.

Cichorium 'Carmen', : ASTERACEAE, (Radicchio Italian Chicory). Red leaved salad herb. A fine ornamental and edible addition to any herb garden. True blue flowers add an awesome contrast. Hardy annual; has persisted here as a biennial.

Cichorium 'Catalogna', (Radichetta Italian Chicory). Large, dark green, notched leaves are edible along with the tender stalks when harvested in the spring.

Cichorium Endivia 'Salad King', (Endive). Salad herb; hardy annual with finely cut leaves; ornamental and useful. Violet-blue flowers appear on unharvested plants; slow to bolt.

Cichorium Endivia 'Tosca', (Curled Endive). Large plants with very finely cut leaves. Recommended for "baby endive". Leaves are medium green, with white blanched hearts.

Cichorium Endivia 'Witloof Improved', (Witloof Chicory, French Endive). Heads similar to Cos lettuce, but shorter. Classed as a root chicory.

Cichorium Intybus 'Magdeburgh'. (Chicory, Cicoria Siciliana, Italian Dandelion). Blue flowered herb, the dried, ground-up root used as a coffee substitute. Leaves may be used in Italian salads, or cooked like spinach. Hardy annual, preferring cooler weather. Grows to 4' tall in full sun. North Africa, Europe, west Asia.

Coleus amboinicus 'Variegatus' : LAMIACEAE, (Cuban Oregano). Scented warm season annual grown for scent and for fine variegated foliage. Leaves 2-3" broad; hairy; succulent. Young shoots edible. Tender.

Coriandrum sativum : APIACEAE, (Coriander). Cool season annual. Leaves (Cilantro) and seed (Coriander) used in Mexican and Mediterranean styles of cooking. May reseed. Southern Europe.

Cymbopogon citratus : POACEAE, (Lemon Grass). The most common comment about this grass is it "looks like Johnson Grass". Not to worry, for it never flowers, is a clump former, and is never a problem! Actually, the form is quite pleasing, being very rounded and graceful. Grown, of course, for its deliciously scented lemon leaves. Zones 8B-10: has been hardy here most years. (Image / JPEG / 540x381 pixels / 65.6KB)

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Eruca vesicaria sativa : BRASSICACEAE, (Arugula, Roquette). Another cool season annual. Leaves used in yuppie salads, etc. Rather ornamental white flowers produced in warm weather; to 3' tall.

Eucalyptus citriodora : MYRTACEAE, (Lemon Eucalyptus). Fast growing plants form 50-foot trees in their native Australia. Strongly lemon scented leaves. Root hardy here most years, growing 6' or so in a season. Zones 8B-11.

Foeniculum vulgare : APIACEAE, (Sweet Fennel). Perennial herb, looks somewhat like dill but is anise scented; grows to 4' tall; yellow umbel flowers in spring or summer. A favorite host plant of swallowtail caterpillar. Best grown as an annual. Southern Europe. Invasive by seed in some areas, including the Pacific Northwest.

Foeniculum vulgare 'Atropurpureum', (Redleaf or Bronze Fennel). Dark reddish leaves on plants somewhat smaller than sweet fennel. Similar to sweet fennel in flavor. Very ornamental plant.

Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum, (Finocchio, Florence Fennel). Grown for the bulbous base of the plant, which is blanched and eaten as a vegetable.

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