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Books from Southern Perennials & Herbs

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Books on: Landscaping | Perennials | Herbs | Regional Gardening | Shade Gardening | Wildlife Gardening | Roses

Our featured selection:

The Inviting Garden: Gardening for the Senses, Mind, and Spirit
; Alan Lacy;

Hardcover - 224 pages 1 Ed edition (April 1998); Henry Holt & Company, Inc.; ISBN: 080503742X ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.85 x 9.45 x 7.75

In the grand scheme of things, a garden is a rather quotidian pleasure. Yet Allen Lacy finds a unique sensual delight in the very ordinariness of it: "It is sweet and pleasant to dig in the warm, slightly moist soil, to feel its grit and grain beneath the fingernails.... The rhythmic chore of pulling weeds soothes the soul like a mantra." The stimulation of the senses in the garden is a favorite theme that Lacy, the man who has been called "the dean of American gardeners," celebrates fully in The Inviting Garden, devoting a chapter to each. Lacy also proffers an affectionate look at gardening as an intellectual pleasure, with a longish but delightful discursion on botanical nomenclature, a slice of historical adventure in the story of how two rather different plants made their way from Asia to North America, a short but sweet chapter on the language of flowers, and the currently obligatory examination of the American suburban landscape. But it's in the chapters on gardening and the spirit that Lacy's charming circuitousness seems most at home: "Horticulture is sometimes described as a science, sometimes as an art, but the truth is that it is neither, although it partakes of both endeavors. It is more like falling in love, something that escapes all logic. There is a moment before one becomes a gardener, and a moment after--with a whole lifetime to keep on becoming a gardener." --Barrie Trinkle

General Gardening Titles (More on following pages). Click on title for more details.

1001 Hints and Tips for Your Garden: An Indispensable Guide...
; Readers Digest; Hardcover.

The 20-Minute Gardener : The Garden of Your Dreams Without Giving Up Your Life, Your Job, or Your Sanity
; Thomas Christopher, et al; Hardcover; Published 1997.

500 Terrific Ideas for Gardening
; Anne Halpin; Paperback.

64 Yard and Garden Projects You Can Build Yourself; Monte Burch; Paperback.

Accessible Gardening for People with Physical Disabilities: A Guide to Methods, Tools, and Plants; Janeen R. Adil; Paperback.

Along the Garden Path; Bill Varney, et al; Hardcover.

American Cottage Gardens (Plants & Gardens, Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record, Vol 46); Ruth Rhode Haskell, Ruth Rohde Haskell; Paperback.

American Gardens in the Eighteenth Century: "For Use or for Delight"; Ann Leighton; Paperback.

American Gardens of the Nineteenth Century: "For Comfort and Affluence"; Ann Leighton; Paperback.

The American Horticultural Society A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants
; Christopher Brickell (Editor), et al; Hardcover; Published 1997.

The American Horticultural Society Complete Guide to Water Gardening
; Peter Robinson; Hardcover.

The American Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Gardening
; Christopher Brickell, et al; Hardcover.

The American Horticultural Society Flower Finder; Jacqueline Heriteau, Andre Viette; Hardcover.

The American Mixed Border : Gardens for All Seasons
; Ann Lovejoy; Hardcover.

Annie's Garden Journal : Reflections on Roses, Weeds, Men, and Life; Annie Spiegelman; Hardcover.

Annuals and Bulbs (Rodale's Successful Organic Gardening); Rob Proctor, Nancy J. Ondra; Paperback.

Annuals and Perennials; Sunset Books; Paperback.

The Art of the Kitchen Garden; by Jan Gertley (Contributor), Michael Gertley; Hardcover - 160 pages (March 1999); Taunton Press; ISBN: 1561581801; Dimensions (in inches): 1.85 x 11.22 x 8.84

Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Camellias; Sunset Editors, Sunset; Paperback.

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